Aldridge Education


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Benefitting Our Communities

Benefitting our communities is one of the five elements of the Aldridge Education mission to bring Aldridge Advantage to each of our learners.

Every multi-academy trust has a legal document called ‘Articles of Association’ – it’s an agreement between trustees and the Department for Education. One of the things this document does is set out our ‘objects’ – i.e. our purpose in existence as a charitable company. There are two components to the ‘objects’ for Aldridge Education. 

Firstly, of course, we exist to provide the very best education we possibly can to our learners.

But secondly, we exist “to promote for the benefit of the inhabitants of the areas in which the academies are situated the provision of facilities for recreation or other leisure time occupation of individuals who have need of such facilities by reason of their youth, age, infirmity or disablement, financial hardship or social and economic circumstances or for the public at large in the interests of social welfare and with the object of improving the condition of life of the said inhabitants”.

In other words, we exist to take opportunities – when they come along – to do work that is beneficial to our local communities – the people who not only send their children to an Aldridge school, but also those who live in the same neighbourhood as us, who work in that neighbourhood.

Through the following links you can see more information about:

What more could we do?

There are some things we want to do – and plan to do, circumstances permitting. But there are also new ideas that you might want us to consider?

We want and hope to:

  • Bring adult provision to each of our regions
  • Launch our ‘parallel provision’ concept – offering adults in our local communities the opportunity to retrain in the same way that our school-aged students do
  • Work with local families to really understand what the barriers can be to school success for their children and explore ways to break those down (see levelling the playing field)
  • Take opportunities that arise to develop local facilities that can be used by the communities around us

But what about your thoughts? 

If you live, work or play in the neighbourhood of one of our schools, what would you like to see us to do – in partnership with you – to really benefit your community in some way?  If we are part of your community, your voice is enormously important to us and your views count. 

Either through contacting your local Chair of Governors or school Principal, or through contacting us directly via, please send us a message about what matters to you as we co-exist in your local community.

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